In addition, boys immunize against HPV: "So you reduce the chances of girls getting sick"


The British government thinks that not only girls but also boys should be vaccinated against HPV, the virus that can cause cancer of the cervix of the uterus. In the Netherlands as well, we are currently studying whether boys should be vaccinated from now on. "HPV can cause cancer in the mouth, throat, nose, penis or anus in men."

As in the Netherlands, all girls in the UK learn to vaccinate against HPV. The UK Joint Committee on Immunization and Vaccination, a government advisory body, now believes that boys should also be vaccinated against the HPV virus at the age of 13. This is reported by the BBC

6 million women

In Australia, Austria and the United States, boys and girls have been vaccinated against the HPV virus for some time. The virus, transmitted sexually, causes cancer every year in six million women around the world. Of these, five million cases are cancer of the cervix of the uterus.

SEE ALSO: What you need to know about HPV: Everyone has some form of virus, you too

But also in boys, the virus can cause cancer, including the mouth, throat, anus and penis. Every year, 650,000 boys and men are diagnosed with cancer because of the HPV virus

The Health Council conducts research

At the moment in the Netherlands, we seek to know vaccinate against HPV. At the request of the Ministry of Public Health, the Dutch Board of Health will publish a consultative report at the end of this year

According to Professor Gemma Kenter (pictured right), Professor of Gynecologic Oncology at the University of Geneva. Hospital Antoni van Leeuwenhoek and UMC in Amsterdam, vaccinating boys is a good idea. "On the one hand, you protect boys and men because they are less likely to get cancer themselves, but on the other hand, you also make sure that the virus is less able to spread itself." , and therefore less sick women.

Less busy

According to Kenter, the expansion of the vaccination program could also lead to higher vaccination rates among girls, now at 45%.

"Girls' immunization at the age of 13 is intense enough for many parents, and if you add boys to the group that is called, it can become more normal and less crowded. child to be vaccinated. "

The vaccination rate decreases

Many parents do not let their daughter be vaccinated. "I do not know what the possible side effects are."


That Kenter strongly supports HPV vaccination, should be clear. She sees dozens of women each week at her department who have cervical cancer, or a precursor to it.

SEE ALSO: These are bad reasons to refuse an HPV vaccination

often very drastic, they often become infertile and suffer from bladder problems or sexual problems for the rest of their lives, but we can not prevent a lot of cancer, but we have to use it. "

Vaccination of boys against HPV is not too expensive?"

In the Dutch Journal of Medicine, an article was published early this year to determine whether vaccination of boys or men against HPV would be useful

Elske Marra is a researcher and wrote the article.According to his experience, vaccinating boys certainly makes sense.If all girls were vaccinated, all heterosexual men would automatically protected, but as the vaccination rate is relatively low and continues to decline, this is not the case, so by vaccinating the boys, they are also better protected.Vaccination is of course profitable. "

350 euros per vaccine

According to Marra, patients who want to be vaccinated on their own initiative, must now pay 350 euros for this to the GP. "But it's not the amount the government pays, which is much lower."

Research shows that vaccination of boys would be "profitable". For each year of life gained, the costs amount to 9134 euros. "We are looking at the costs of vaccination and the number of sick people and the costs when someone falls ill or dies. The cost difference determines if something is profitable. We have determined in the Netherlands that a year of life earned is profitable. is, if this amount is less than 20,000. "

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