In the Netherlands, a prisoner must serve an 18-year sentence in Turkey


A 43-year-old man who was convicted of murder in the Netherlands but fled to Turkey is serving his 18-year sentence in Turkey. The prosecution announced this Tuesday. The Haarlem in absentia court found the man guilty in 2002 of killing a friend of his 17-year-old ex-girlfriend.

In 1999, the man found the victim aged 24 in the house of his ex-girlfriend in Utrecht. Accompanied by an acquaintance, he then took the man to a nature reserve in Oostzaan, where he shot him repeatedly. The man died instantly. The aggressor immediately fled to Turkey. At the request of the Crown, he has been detained for some time. The knowledge that helped her at the time was sentenced to five years in prison.

According to the ANP news agency, the public prosecutor's office is asking Turkey to pronounce the verdict of 11 other convicts so that they can serve their sentences there. Turkey does not deliver citizens. OM has reportedly filed a request with the Turkish authorities.

Turkey has made more decisions from the Netherlands. For example, Saban B., a human trafficker, has been in Turkey since 2016. He was sentenced in absentia in the Netherlands in 2010 and is serving a sentence of more than 10 years. B. had escaped to Turkey for a week off.

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