Inspection verifies vaccination of dentists on hepatitis B


The Hague

Dentists still do not pay enough attention to protection against hepatitis B infections. "That's why the inspection will require more attention in the coming period to prevent this type of infection, "announced Friday the Inspectorate of Health and Youth.

Transfer to Patients

"Health care providers can transfer hepatitis B to patients.Many of the work is done with hollow instruments in oral care and invasive procedures have As a result, oral care treatments pose a high risk of contamination, so it is important that people who practice these treatments be well vaccinated, "according to the Inspectorate.

Liver Cancer

Chronic infection with hepatitis B can cause inflammation of the liver and possibly liver cancer. Dental clinics must ensure that staff who have contact with patients are vaccinated against hepatitis B and can prove it.

Inspection Visits

The Inspectorate will visit at least 30 dental offices during the next period to check if it is the staff who treats patients who are vaccinated against hepatitis B. If it appears that employees are not protected against hepatitis B, they are not allowed to perform any treatment until it is agreed. Working in the sterilization room is no longer allowed because the risks of needlestick injuries are great. An infected instrument could then enter the clean chain.

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