Isala completely non-smoking from 1 September 2018


REGION – Since September 1, 2018, Isala is a completely non-smoking hospital. It is no longer allowed to smoke in the Isala buildings and on the Isala land.

Ina Kuper, Member of the Executive Council: "We are following other hospitals that have taken this step earlier. I'm proud that Isala also sets a good example and actively contributes to a healthy society and a smoke-free generation.

Jan Willem van den Berg, Pulmonologist: "Every day we see the consequences of smoking in many smokers. It makes sense that as a hospital, where many patients and their loved ones come every day, we opt for a smoke-free environment. We are also receiving more and more complaints from patients and visitors who must enter our hospital due to a smoke smoke. A non-smoking Isala is literally a relief for many. The hospital must be a healthy environment for patients, visitors and employees. "

Smoking patients treated at Isala receive medical devices in the form of nicotine patches upon admission, and they can receive support from the Stop Smoking Poli's pulmonary nurse." Isala can also use it.

Ina Kuper: "Many people want to stop smoking, but do not know how or where to start. The Stop Smoking program can help with this. Because the stop is always paying off. It improves your condition and your life expectancy, but also your taste and your sense of smell. For patients who have to undergo surgery, it is better to stop, research shows that it reduces the risk of complications. "

Patients, visitors, and employees who want to smoke after September 1, 2018 can do so outside of Isala

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