Ivf clinics facilitate surrogacy for gay couples


Homostels who want to have children can now use an IVF substitute in the Netherlands. Starting next year, the Dutch clinics will update these sets, as shown by a tour of the De Monitor research program. Until now, homosexual couples had to move abroad to age with the help of a surrogate mother, because in the Netherlands, strict conditions would apply to a such treatment.

In 2019, two clinics will offer gay couples the opportunity to age through surrogacy. The clinics apply different conditions: at MC Kinderwens in Leiderdorp, the surrogate mother must also be the oocyte donor, at Nij Geerten (Elsendorp), who may be different people. The embryo is then linked to one of the fathers wishes.

To learn more about IVF or the high-tech surrogacy maternity

According to the law in force, the surrogate mother is still the mother of the child. This means that same-sex couples must adopt the child after birth. IVF surrogacy, where the surrogate carries a child who is not genetically born, was also restricted to heteroparenes. This was only possible at the University Medical Center in Amsterdam. Heterostellen can also visit more clinics next year.

Criteria for expansion

In the Netherlands, the law on embryos stipulates the use of embryos. By means of model regulations, doctors are informed of how they should deal with this issue in practice, for example what criteria can be applied to IVF and surrogacy treatments. The regulation was adapted last summer due to the current technological evolution, the conditions of surrogacy were extended. always see ethical and psychological concerns. For example, it is not clear if prospective parents, surrogate mother and child are legally protected, if something is wrong during pregnancy or after. In addition, IVF surrogacy for children later can raise difficult questions about where they come from. By the way, commercial surrogacy is prohibited in the Netherlands, couples (whether they are heterosexual or homo) wishing children are allowed to interview only in their own circle of knowledge about a surrogate mother . at Zwolle and VUmc in Amsterdam

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