Jeroen de Wit, a patient with MS, bends 50,000 boxes


REGION – Friends, relatives and dozens of volunteers are employed in the next month fold thousands of boxes for charity. With the proceeds of the cases, they help Jeroen de Wit, seriously ill, suffering from MS

Only one special treatment in Russia can help him. "Otherwise, it's pretty much finished." In the office of flexible workplace, I share at Julianaplein in Den Helder, pallets filled with boxes and blocks have to be folded for an Italian company.

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"A job we are doing because another company did not have the time," says Monique Trijsburg of I Am Sharing at NH News. "He gives away 10,000 euros, we like to share and we immediately thought of Jeroen."

Promotion of donations
Jeroen de Wit (46) has suffered from multiple sclerosis for 20 years. The last year is getting worse. His brother Peter therefore launched a donation campaign "Help Jeroen on the Leg" for an expensive stem cell treatment (€ 43,000) in Russia. "When I saw at one point that my mother had to feed him, something broke in me."

Jeroen is hopeful. Treatment in Russia is scheduled for next February. "I want to surprise everyone when I come back from Russia, I hope that I will be able to sit in the sun again, have more energy, that my speech will improve and that I will will be able to eat again.These are small things, but it's a quality of life. "

The box (folds-patient-folded-patient

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