Kick Out Zwarte Piet wants to demonstrate in 18 municipalities


The Kick Out action group Zwarte Piet (KOZP) will demonstrate this year in eighteen municipalities against Black Pete during tours of Sinterklaas. The organization announced this Monday. The group of action is not present at the national entrance to Zaanstad.

Read the report on the Daye highway block: Then, on the A7, a car cuts the anti-Pietcolonne

The KOZP organizes demonstrations on weekends end of 17 and 18 November, including Dokkum, Rotterdam, Groningen and Willemstad. This year, the group is involved in many other places than in previous years.

The KOZP announced early in the year that it wished to disassemble several sites. On 1 July, the action group launched crowdfunding to finance various legal issues and financially support local actions. A total of 12,000 people were collected, the action group said.

Local protest

The KOZP points out that it is not prepared for "acts of violence, riots or other forms of protest that may provoke unnecessary provocation and aggression" . Last year, the action group wanted to demonstrate at the national entrance to Dokkum, but they were stopped on the highway by pro-Piet protesters.

The public prosecutor initiated criminal proceedings against 34 suspects. 120 hours of community service were claimed against most suspects. Against initiator Jenny Douwes, the Attorney General claims 240 hours of community work and a three month conditional sentence.

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