KWF Kankerbestrijding and SAP join forces against skin cancer


KWF Kankerbestrijding uses a new weapon in the fight against skin cancer. With SAP, ProXcellence and Buienradar, KWF has developed the UV radar. This app provides vacationers around the world with a personal lubrication advice based on solar power and skin type.

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the Netherlands. In 2017, 55,000 people were diagnosed. UV radiation, and especially sunburn, has a major influence on the development of this disease. The risk of skin cancer can be reduced by, among other things, wearing protective clothing, sun protection and good lubrication with sunscreen.

Personal Lubrication Advice

UV-Radar gives personal advice on lubrication. and the current UV radiation. The app recovers this data from various public data sources and combines them with personal data about the skin type of the user. The result is an individual and up-to-date advice on sun protection.

KWF Kankerbestrijding has developed a UV radar in the SAP Mobile Innovation Lab. A functional prototype was delivered in one week

Official Launch

RTL weatherman Dennis Wilt was officially authorized to launch UV-Radar on Saturday, July 7, during KWF Kankerbestrijding's annual drop-out at the Hazeldonk border . KWF has distributed sunscreen and corks here to alert holidaymakers to the dangers of sunburn during these first holidays. The KWF UV Radar is available via and will be available soon in the Apple App Store.

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