Learning Health Skills Works – Current


The European Health Skills Policy is starting to bear fruit. Evidence has been found especially in health care and education. These are the findings of the WHO Health Evidence Network Synthesis, co-authored by Nivel researcher Jany Rademakers.

Health literacy is the ability of individuals, families and communities to make the right decisions about health in everyday life. This can be in a variety of areas: at home, at work, in the community, in the market, in health care or in politics.

The WHO has drawn up an inventory of the effectiveness of the existing health policy in the Netherlands. European region. In this inventory, 46 political projects have been identified in 19 countries of the EU. During the research period, these 46 projects were either underway or under development.

There is growing evidence that health policy is a success, according to Nivel, according to the research. A number of policy measures in the field of care and education seem particularly promising. In other areas, for example, there are hardly any initiatives.

The WHO report recommends that the policy takes a broader approach to health skills that covers more areas than health and education. An approach at different social levels is also recommended, for example the level of the individual, the neighborhood, the organization and the society. Finally, more research is needed on the effectiveness of policy measures.

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