Lex (46) runs a lesbian escort agency: "That women love sex less is a myth"


The time had come, according to Lex van Delft (46). An escort agency for lesbian women, who had to come once. "For centuries, men have used paid sex, they are already much more.For women, it's always a step, but if there is no possibility, you Do not think about it, someone must be the first. "

Young women struggling against their feelings to older women who have dreamed their entire sex life with a woman and all the rest: The Bold Woman serves them. Lex – in full Alexandra – van Delft, formerly doctor, started the escort agency in 2016 with a trading partner. "One night, we enjoyed whiskey and cigarettes on our two favorite subjects: sex and women," says Lex. "Then the idea came and we started googling, and it turned out that it did not exist at all, an escort agency for lesbian women. "

The dead lesbian bed

Was there just no need? Stubborn is the term of lesbian bed death, which means that lesbian women in a stable relationship would have less sex than any other type of couple. This idea is based on a 1983 American study in which lesbian couples reported fewer questionnaires about the frequency of their sex lives.

A bad research method, critics thought, and research was quickly dismissed as a myth. Lex, a tough guy with tattoos, a stern look and talking eyes, smiles at the end. "Nonsense The fact that lesbian women do not like sex is a myth, you do not know what is a fable, that lesbian women of all women do the most sperm."

Lex van Delft

for a lesbian escort agency, according to Lex, there was indeed. This proves the success of De Stoute Vrouw. "But who should be the first?" Men have been practicing paid sex for centuries, they are already much more involved and will cope with it more easily and more relaxed, but it 's still a step for women, but it' s not a problem. there is no possibility do not think about it either, it was time now. "

Three Apps a Week

Shortly after getting licenses around and finding a bank with a lot of pain and difficulty in providing a loan – according to Lex, banks are not interested in business in the sex industry -, their first employee turned to. "We were doing this, and someone we knew spontaneously said: I want to work for you, and since I've never had a shortage of women, I get about three job requests a week. "

De Stoute Vrouw only works for a fraction of this job, since an average of ten women What are they paying attention to? "In any case, they realize what the work entails and that they really want it, they should really enjoy it, but also have an entertaining conversation. It's not always just sex, it's also sometimes a dinner Empathy is very important for women: almost without exception clients come with a whole story, it's important that you can Listen carefully.

Only for women

Heterosexual couples who want to try a threesome need Lex can not hit "There is a lot of demand for this, but we do not do it, we only serve women, lesbian, bisexual or heterosexual, but with a man that is very different, this is not the dynamics that I want to offer. "I want women to have a woman-woman experience can give." [19659005] Also, people who want to hire a woman to surprise someone else, Lex politely refuses. "I do not see this for both parties, and everyone is welcome, except indifferent customers.Once I refused someone who spoke disrespectfully of my ladies and did not want to pay to me." But fortunately that does not happen – not really relevant, women are different. "


Unlike Men

Where male escorts often show off their escorts with pictures on a web site, De Stoute's female clients on just a piece of text. "From there, they make a choice, many women do not even ask for a photo before making an appointment, women are less visually oriented and think that the atmosphere is more important." In a heterosexual escort agency, I evaluate an appointment. And we have 10 to 15 emails to process such an appointment. "

According to Lex, women have complete stories about why they're doing it, what exactly they want, what they do not know, what they find exciting." They plan weeks to come, share every step of the process, buy candles and wine, buy a special outfit, make the woman a real thing and are afraid that they are not kind enough themselves. Men have that when they hire an escort, and when I ask my clients what they can wear, I often have the answer: something in which they feel good. women are much more empathetic. "

Lex speaks thoughtfully, carefully chooses his words, and when he threatens to become too personal, he quickly moves on to another topic. that later in life when she was about 17 she had sex with a woman for the first time Once, although she enjoyed the experience and that she had more sex with women than with men, she chose a marriage with a man because of circumstances on which she preferred not to express herself. Together, they have a daughter. She does not want to say much about her love story. Only that his daughter, now 20 years old, is completely in agreement with the nature of her mother. "She also likes De Stoute Vrouw, she is a very beautiful child."

In the future, Lex hopes to develop De Stoute Vrouw. With a line of lingerie, sex toys, parties, a large private building. "It would be fun, but first and foremost I want to make customers happy: the emails I receive afterwards thank me for the great experience they have had, I want to have thousands of them." others. "

Escort Velvet:" My most special client was a 89-year-old woman "

That she came across women Velvet discoveries (22, not her real name) in her puberty." The friends were talking about the boys, but they did not bother me at all … When a friend who just came out of the closet took me to a gay bar, a world opened for me. " I went with him, but I discovered one side of me. "

During her studies, she left in search of a satisfying job that she could do next to her When she heard about the existence of The Bold Woman, she approached Lex and her business partner. she could start immediately. She remembers well her first client. "I was pretty nervous, but it was the woman I was visiting too, she was a businesswoman from abroad, and because I wanted to reassure her, my own nerves were disappearing. in the background. It's fun, I thought, I can After this first time, I knew I had made the right choice. "

Customers pay 200 euros for one hour with Velvet, she can keep 60% herself." One month I have more clients than others, but in general I can live well. " Once, Velvet spends a whole weekend with a client and there is a large dining room, at the other time she visits a young woman who struggles with her feelings and offers them only a listening ear. And yes, sometimes it's just simple sex. "Lex adds," You have women who want to "do everything lesbian women do" and emails on strap-ons, double dildos, scissors, all the rambam, which is also fun in its time. "

A special customer who once owned Velvet was a 89-year-old woman." She had been in the closet all her life and had never had a wife in her arms, I was the first, she knew mittens, she was a very kind woman, for her it was a s Orlagement that she can finally have a wife. love, for me, an honor to offer him this experience. "

Regarding Velvet also has clients who in the past have had a bad sexual experience and after a long time feel ready to touch him." Often they are still very unsure and hesitant. It's really nice to see them thaw and see how good it can be to be touched. But I did not know in advance that this aspect would be so strong in sex work It's more emotional and intimate than you think, and afterwards I often get emails or apps from the customer share via Lex: "thank you, I needed it" or "Stay like that, although you exist". recognition work. "

Velvet has a relationship, her friend knows that she works as an escort." She has no problem with that, my parents also know it, my dad thought it was rather cool, my mother has a little more trouble with that, but she's confident that I do not walk seven times at the same time. "

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