Many price differences between parentheses and dentures


There are important price differences in the Netherlands for orthopedic appliances and dental prostheses such as dentures. This is clear from the dental care of the monitor of the Dutch Health Authority (NZa). The price differences are caused by the variation in material costs. The monitor also shows that the total costs claimed per patient are increasing, while the rates have gone down. Economic improvements may underpin this, but this has not been studied. This is reported by the NZa

The NZa considers that it is important that the patient know in advance what the different treatment options and associated costs are. Based on this information, a patient can make a choice with his therapist. This is why the NZa asks dentists, orthodontists and dental hygienists to properly inform the patient about the costs and options.

In addition, the authority encourages oral health care providers to establish quality guidelines to determine the most appropriate treatment.

It also seems that we are asking for more preventive care, such as dental cleaning. The NZa does not see this yet, for example, a stagnation of the number of refills.

Costs of Materials and Technology

The Health Care Authority notes that there are major differences in the price paid by patients for material and technical costs, such as appliances dentures and dental prostheses. . It is therefore worthwhile for patients to compare these costs between practices. To be able to do this, caregivers need to be well informed about costs and treatment options. They are in any case required for treatments from 250 euros. Since January 1, 2018, they must also put on the site the scale of the material and technological costs and the patients must be able to consult the invoice of purchase.

In the coming period, NZa will work with the sector to further develop dental funding. .

By: Redactie National Zorggids

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