Merles affected by the epidemic us for the third year in a row …


  Blackbirds affected by the usutuvirus eruption for the third year in a row

Photo: Getty Images / iStockphoto

It seems that blackbirds are affected by usutuvirus for the third consecutive year. This is what Natuurpunt reports, who, with Vogelbescherming, calls Flanders to report sick birds on the website and to take them to the bird rescue centers. The usutuvirus spreads by mosquitoes and can not be cured.

Natuurpunt's surveillance shows that in 2016, 15% of the blackbird population died from the effects of the virus. Last year, more than half of the blackbirds died. And in recent days, several reports of sick blackbirds arrive, according to Natuurpunt

The usutuvirus is an arbovirus and only mosquitoes can spread it. They use the victim as a kind of amplifier, which ensures a new spread. The virus was discovered in Africa in 1959. The first European outbreak occurred in Austria in 2001. It then spread rapidly to Spain, Italy, Croatia, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Germany, Belgium and in the Nederlands.

Heel Flanders, and not only blackbirds

In 2016, the virus mostly hit the provinces of Limburg and Antwerp. In 2017, it has spread to East Flanders and the eastern border of West Flanders. It is feared that this third epidemic will affect Flanders.

Blackbirds are hypersensitive to the virus, but other species such as house sparrows and owls die here and there. In Germany, 87 bird species from 14 families were registered as victims of usutus. In 2013, two ordinary bats died of the virus in Germany. Last year, some swifts were recorded as victims in Belgium

"Prospects are bad"

What the outbreak of this year – that is ten days more earlier than last year – still does not mean Clear, but the outlook is bad, according to Natuurpunt. The mosquito season can last a long time and their numbers can increase significantly when it starts to rain. In July-August, blackbirds also replace much of their feathers, which requires a lot of energy and good health. The skin of the blackbird is at this time much more easily accessible to mosquitoes, which can accelerate the spread of the virus.

Natuurpunt and Vogelbescherming Vlaanderen ask to bring alleged victims to one of the recognized bird sanctuaries. The best is to pick up the animals with a glove and put them in a well ventilated cardboard box. A bird with usutu can be recognized by weakened or lethargic impression, cramps, sudden mortality, coordination problems, bulging and thinness. Always keep an eye on a combination of these factors, it sounds. In addition, people can make mosquitoes spread less massively around their homes, for example by covering buckets, barrels, barrels and car tires with standing water or emptying them. .

to map the victims, on the website

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