Michael P. on appeal in the Anne Faber case


Michael P. brought an appeal against the conviction to 28 years in prison and compulsory hospitalization that was imposed on him by the court in Utrecht last week for the murder, l '39. rape and rape of Anne Faber. That said his lawyer Niels Dorrestein against RTL Nieuws . The prosecution does not appeal, says a spokesman

The lawyer wants the police to look again at the arrest of P. He described his arrest as "torture". He was reportedly beaten and left with a broken bone. According to the court, P.'s right to a fair trial was not harmed

On October 8, 2017, the police found P. after his DNA was found on Anne's jacket. Faber, 25, from Utrecht. She disappeared a week earlier during a bike trip after which massive searches began. After three days of detention, P. confessed that he had raped and killed her and buried her body in the vicinity of Zeewolde. For the Faber family, the call is a setback. Hans Faber, Anne's uncle, said earlier that the sentence imposed "does justice to the feelings of the family". (NRC)

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