Millennials Unaware of Melanoma – National Care Guide


The knowledge of the millennia on melanoma is lagging behind that of the rest of the Dutch. This melanoma is in the top 3 of the most common forms of cancer in young people. One in three millennials (18-38 years old) do not know what melanoma is, compared to a Dutchman over 38 in five. This is shown by research by the Melanoma Foundation. In addition, more than 60% of them do not properly control the skin in suspicious areas, while a quick diagnosis increases the chances of survival. To make young people aware of the importance of regular skin monitoring, the Melanoma Foundation is launching the international Discover Your Spot campaign. The Melanoma Foundation reports that

Every year, more and more Dutch people are told that they have melanoma. In 2017, 6,743 people in the Netherlands received this diagnosis. In early detection, the probability of survival is almost 100%, but melanoma develops fairly rapidly and survival in metastatic melanoma is very moderate.

"Regular (self) control of the skin is important, only we notice every day that there is still a lot of ignorance about melanoma and especially about young people. dangers of an unprotected tan and tan and do not realize that the skin damage that they incur increases their risk of melanoma and other forms of skin cancer later in life, "says Nicole Kukutsch, dermatologist at the LUMC Cancer Center and member of the Melanoma Foundation's Advisory Board

Undiscovered Spots

With the Discover Your Spot Summer Campaign, the Melanoma Foundation wants to change this situation.Your spot is actually on a suspicious place, a melanoma, on the skin of the girl in the video.It does not take the place seriously and does not go to the doctor.This is fatal, so that the chance of a treatment is very great if v We are here at the hour.

At the end of the video, the viewer is referred to the Melanoma Foundation campaign website: There is a checklist with six points that you should pay attention to.

By: Redactie National Zorggids

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