More Regions Want to Participate in Infectious Diseases Related to Meldpunt Outbreaks


Meldpunt Infectious Diseases (MUIZ) work so well in Rotterdam and the surrounding area that other GGD regions wish to take this approach. Through the notification center, health care providers inform about contagious diseases or viruses prevalent in a hospital or retirement home.

Zuid-Holland-Zuid and Zeeland have already adopted this approach, while other regions are studying the possibility, according to one assessment. If health facilities know in time that other health care providers in the region are dealing with infectious diseases or viruses, a massive epidemic can be avoided.

care institution. "In addition to sick patients, they have to deal with sick staff, extra work and high costs to fight the epidemic," says Jan Groot of GGD Rotterdam-Rijnmond

"Across the country, it is urgent to collaborate on infection prevention and control of infectious diseases and antibiotic resistance, "says Groot. There are already 200 health facilities in South Holland.

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