More research on the spread of legionella


Minister Cora van Nieuwenhuizen (Infrastructure and Public Works) commissioned a study on the spread of legionellosis in biological water treatment plants. She is aware of this in response to the increased spread of the bacteria in North Brabant.

"No direct distribution on such a biological treatment plant has yet been demonstrated," she wrote to the House of Representatives. Since this was not known, the regulations do not contain any requirements for these facilities.

The risk exists, as far as is currently known, particularly "if the facilities in which the aeration of hot water rich in nutrients is not covered". The minister will examine what new requirements should be imposed on biological water treatment plants. Legionella can cause acute respiratory infection

There are more than two hundred biological treatment plants. Here, industrial wastewater is purified with the help of bacteria. No serious problem is known concerning the public services concerned – apart from the two known cases of Boxtel and Son in Brabant. We are currently examining whether there are even more risky facilities.

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