MRSA bacteria found in a care and rehabilitation center


The MRSA bacterium was found in the Heggerank Care and Rehabilitation Center in Musselkanaal.

The bacterium was found with two employees and a client who moved to another location


To prevent spread, all employees and clients of Heggerank are screened for MRSA. They have now been informed about this.

The two employees who carry the bacteria are treated and are not at work. Clients who have recently re-entered the Heggerank will receive comprehensive information and a self-test kit next week. In addition, the necessary hygiene measures were taken in the Heggerank. For the moment, no new client is accepted


The source of contamination is a client who lived in Heggerank and who has recently moved to the Parkheem residential care center in Stadskanaal.


MRSA is a bacterium insensitive to several types of antibiotics. Most carriers of the bacteria do not notice it. But if an infection occurs, the usual antibiotics are no longer useful.

See also:

– UMCG: no more propagation of bacteria by specialization
– Pressure on UMCG increased by bacteria SARM in Leeuwarden

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