Mystery around robotic marriage Theo and 'nights' with Corrie | inside


"We are very proud to announce that we can celebrate our ruby ​​wedding," write Theo and Marleen in the newspaper (see image below). There will be a "big party" that will last no less than two hours. Everyone is invited. A gift? Not necessary.

Among the already remarkable advertising – which goes on including Dumpert – is a message from a Corrie who congratulates Theo. "You decide not to risk the transfer I have to respect it, I hope you will never forget our nights together," concludes Corrie

"Corrie" seems to react to this announcement.

Who are they? [19659006] These are probably wilds with a long blast. Since 2017, Theo and Marleen keep the village of Vlierden under control with improvement, birthday and relocation cards. Very attentive, but no one knows the couple.

The villager Eric got a ticket earlier this year when he broke his arm on the ice rink. "Sweet, but I said to my wife: I do not know these two!", He told Omroep Brabant

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