Naturopaths Selling a Sink Unlock as a Medication


Naturopaths sell a kind of disgorger as a medicine. The RIVM has already warned against the chlorine-related substance in March last year. This would result in "acute" and "serious" health risks.

According to the RTL Nieuws study, this report was kept by the Dutch Food and Consumer Safety Authority (NVWA) for one year. It was only last month that the NVWA went into action, while they were already aware of the dangers in 2010.

It's the "miracle mineral solution" (MMS) that is intended to clean polluted water if you travel According to natural healers, however, it is a cure that helps against cancer, autism, Lyme disease and AIDS. In 2013, a woman was still in intensive care with acute liver failure after taking the substance every day for three weeks.

Because it would help against autism, it is also given to children. This can be fatal according to the toxicologist Martin van den Berg of the University of Utrecht. "Anyone who drinks this may have burns in the stomach, kidneys and liver and low blood pressure." Even contact with the skin can cause damage.

The NVWA said in March to ban the sale. There would also be national legislation that would not allow sale. Yet, "medicine" can be found anywhere on the Internet. Incomprehensible is the toxicologist, who calls this a "kind of religion". There is, after all, no evidence that the product works. "It's pure quackery," says Van den Berg

Source (s): AD

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