NCD in breeding with laying hens in Zulte


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AFSCA diagnosed Newcastle Disease (NCD) in poultry at a livestock farm in Zulte Commune last weekend. added to the 12 infections detected by poultry farmers since April 26, 2018. Around professional farms in Zulte are an area of ​​500 meters radius, a protection zone of 3 kilometers radius and a zone of monitoring radius of 10 kilometers delimited

In areas of 3 and 10 kilometers, it is forbidden to move all poultry and hatching eggs. All professional poultry farmers in these areas must submit an inventory of the business to FASFC. It also prohibits all poultry and bird collections and, in the area of ​​500 meters around the contamination, all poultry holders as well as in professional farms, being caged and vaccinated. At the same time, each hobby holder must also submit an inventory of their poultry to the municipality.

On 2 July, new measures were imposed on all recreational poultry in Belgium on the basis of the results of research on infections. These existing measures remain in force without change. It is forbidden to collect and prohibit the sale of animals to and between individuals. The AFSCA conducts a survey at each infection to determine the cause of the contamination. The NCD virus is highly contagious and can infect all species of poultry and birds. In case of infection with a very aggressive strain, nervous symptoms and massive mortality occur. The virus is transmitted through direct contact with infected birds, through contact with contaminated material, or through air. The man is not susceptible to the virus. Consumption of meat or poultry eggs carries no risk either

FASFC emphasizes that vaccination is the only good prevention against this disease. For poultry reared on professional farms and poultry and pigeons participating in the collection, vaccination against NCDs is still mandatory. For recreational animals in general, the FASFC strongly recommends vaccination

Source: AFSCA, 09/07/18

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