New! Diabetes pregnancy magazine


Diabetes and pregnancy: a challenge! Young people often lack security, are overflowing with questions and want to know everything about other people's experiences in the field of pregnancy and diabetes. That's why they read the truth honest, realistic and sometimes undisputed in the magazine: Baby?

This edition aimed at young people with diabetes is bursting with stories of experience, facts, and facts about being pregnant or getting pregnant. Obtain the green light for checks and what to do if you are not sure whether to become pregnant. Experts who answer the most pressing questions of readers to an infographic with all that young people (not?) Want to know more about heredity, complications and congenital anomalies. And from the personal story of Anne, who does everything with love for "the little one", in the story of Yvette who talks about her unplanned pregnancy. Glad to immerse you in your youth and your diabetes. Baby magazine? is on sale via (3,95 € shipping included).

About Diabetesvereniging Nederland (DVN)

"Baby?" Is a publication of Diabetesvereniging Nederland (DVN). A beautiful continuation of our previous expenses YOUNG with diabetes: "The naked truth" and "Alcohol and drugs"
DVN is fighting for good care and a better life for all people with diabetes. We are involved, combative and enterprising under the slogan "living fully with diabetes". More information: Stay informed? Follow us on

Bron: DVN

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I specialize in interactive news for health professionals, so that caregivers are informed daily of the news, which may interest them. Secular and news news specifically for caregivers and prescribers. Social media, women's health, patient rights advocacy, patient empowerment, personalized medicine and care 2.0 are spearheads for me to pay special attention to.

I have studied physiotherapy and the administration of health care business. I have a lot of experience in various positions in the medical, pharmaceutical and health sectors. And have extensive medical knowledge of most health care specialties. I travel to most major medical conferences in Europe and the United States every year to keep up-to-date and keep abreast of the latest developments and innovations.

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