New Dutch doctor diagnoses tuberculosis in children Now


The Netherlands Foundation Against Tuberculosis (KNCV) has successfully developed a test for poison capable of detecting tuberculosis in children

"It has been known for a number of years that the bacterium tuberculosis could also be detected in crap, this is only possible in high quality laboratories, local laboratories in developing countries, where tuberculosis is common, do not have these options, "says Petra Haas, Laboratory Specialist, KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation.

is difficult for young children to spit on command. With a tube, research material can be extracted from the stomach or nose, but doctors do not apply it quickly because it can be traumatic for children and their parents

The deadly disease Is therefore neither detected nor found too late in many children. For this reason, the Tuberculosis Fund examined whether there existed an easier way to diagnose the disease. They discovered that the same machine used in the mucus test, the GeneXpert, could also be used in the poep test.

Tests on Indonesian children showed that the poep test worked well. The test will be continued in Indonesia and Ethiopia, where the method will be refined and practical experience will be expanded.

The new test will be presented at the 49th World Conference on Respiratory Health at the World Forum in The Hague. Nearly a quarter of a million children die of tuberculosis each year. There are 650 a day.

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