New treatment for hepatitis C in basic packaging


A new treatment for chronic hepatitis C with the drug Vosevi has been reimbursed since July 1, 2018 from the basic package. This was decided by Minister Bruno Bruins of Medical Care after negotiating with the manufacturer on the price of the new drug. Vosevi can be used in all patients with chronic hepatitis C. With the inclusion of Vosevi, all drugs for hepatitis C patients in the Netherlands are now available in basic packaging. This brings the central government back.

Chronic hepatitis C is a disease that in many cases causes only complaints after many years, such as cirrhosis of the liver and, in a small proportion, liver cancer. With the arrival of new drugs, more patients will be cured by 2014 and existing and intensive therapies will become useless.

Given the high cost of new drugs against hepatitis C, the Dutch National Institute of Health advised the Netherlands to negotiate the means for this group of drugs. manufacturer on the price. This is the eighth time that the reimbursement of a hepatitis C drug has been successfully negotiated: in total, financial arrangements have been made for 30 drugs.

A 12-week treatment with Vosevi initially cost 51,000 euros. Due to the negotiations, this price is now lower. Due to the confidentiality of the agreements with the supplier, the outcome of the negotiations can not be made public. However, a global picture can be given. In 2015 and 2016, price negotiations with pharmaceutical companies resulted in a total savings of 155 million euros. The results for 2017 will be announced later this year.

By: Redactie National Zorggids

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