New vaccines for adolescents, babies and mothers


The National Immunization Program is expanded, but not with more bites for all babies. This was announced by Secretary of State Blokhuis (Health, Christian Union) on Monday. There will be a catch-up to protect 650,000 adolescents aged 14 to 18 against serious illnesses caused by a new type of meningococcal bacteria. Parents of premature babies or children with a congenital condition may have their children vaccinated against rotavirus. And pregnant women receive the offer to vaccinate against whooping cough. New vaccinations will be introduced in 2019.

  1. Why do vaccines come in?

    The manufacturers and doctors involved want new vaccines against infectious diseases that do not yet have a vaccine to include in the National Vaccination Program. . The vaccine against diarrhea caused by rotavirus is one of them. New vaccinations against whooping cough and meningococcal infections are less effective vaccine adaptations

  2. Why is a rotavirus vaccine needed?

    Almost all children are infected with rotavirus a few times before the age of five. They are sick, have diarrhea and feel sick for a few days. But every year, 1,500 to a few thousand children have to go to the hospital. Their diarrhea is so severe that they can be damaged by the organs due to dehydration. Every year, about 5 children die from rotavirus diarrhea in the Netherlands – there are 200,000 worldwide each year. Dutch rotavirus deaths are almost all premature children, children with low birth weight or children with congenital diseases

    Also read about parents' concerns about declining immunization rates at birth. Netherlands

    Health Council to definitely offer the babies risk the vaccine. Vaccinating all children avoids much suffering, but is expensive. In addition, State Secretary Blokhuis does not want to make major changes to the national immunization program "now that parents' reluctance to vaccinate is increasing".

  3. Why catch up with men and women aged 14 to 18 vaccinated against meningococcal disease?

    Since 2002, parents can ask their child to be trapped for meningococcal C at the age of 14 months. Meningococci sometimes cause potentially fatal blood poisoning and meningitis. Children who survive may become deaf, have epilepsy or (due to blood poisoning) lose an arm or a leg. In 2002, meningococcal type C was the most common in the Netherlands, but now type W takes the place of C. In 2015, there were 4 patients with type W disease each year. This number is increasing rapidly and is already over 100.

    Since May 1st of this year, 14-month-olds are receiving a new vaccine against types A, C, W and Y. And as of October 1, 2018 14 this vaccine is offered. Teenagers are also susceptible to meningococcal disease.

    On Monday, the ministry announced a catch-up, due to the ever-increasing number of patients. Next year, all 14- to 18-year-olds will be offered the new vaccine

  4. Why pregnant women get vaccinated against whooping cough bacteria

    If a future mother is infected with the pertussis? she can make her baby sick. Vaccination prevents this. Every year, 130 young babies with pertussis end up in the hospital and every year, on average, a baby dies of whooping cough.

    This is the first time that there is a vaccination offer for pregnant women in the National Immunization Program. There may be more "maternal vaccines" – to protect newborns. Vaccination against influenza, RS virus and against type B streptococci.

  5. Is vaccination mandatory?

    Not for these new vaccines and also for old vaccines. On the Internet, it is reported that the Dutch government will introduce compulsory vaccination. This is not the case. In response to parliamentary questions on June 26, Blokhuis even wrote that he was opposed to a slight duty to vaccinate – only for children who go to day care centers. After the summer, Blokhuis presents a plan to improve the decline in the vaccination rate. Voluntarily, we can therefore expect that.

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