No clear links between local residents and proximity to agricultural parcels


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In general, there are no clear links between health and the proximity of agricultural parcels, people living near agricultural parcels appear on average slightly healthier than those who live there.The association has found an association between the proximity of maize cultivation and higher mortality due to respiratory diseases, and it is unclear if the Pesticide use is the cause, according to a RIVM study

. Data on the actual exposure of local residents to pesticides was not available. Therefore, RIVM, l & # 39; University of Utrecht and NIVEL have jointly conducted this exploratory research to see if there is a link between distance to agricultural plots and the area from near one hand and data on diseases and disorders of the past. 39, other hand

Some uncertainties
For a cer In many cases, it is unclear whether there is a link with the amount or proximity of specific crops. This implies a higher birth weight near summer barley, Parkinson's disease in fruit growing, eye irritation in fruit growing and leukemia in alternating cereal-beet-apples culture earthen. Further research is needed to determine if there are links or pesticides with them

Research on exposure
Along with this research, the RIVM coordinates a study on actual exposure local residents to pesticides. First results are expected later this year. The results of the study of exposure and this exploratory research on health are needed to guide follow-up research.

For more information, see the Health Examination Report for Local Residents of Agricultural Plots on the RIVM Site

Source: RIVM, 06 / 07/18


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