Now Online: National Registration for Distance Adoption


For the first time, a detailed report [PDF] on unintentional pregnant women in the Netherlands who considered or decided to abandon their child for adoption. When women (and men) see no option but to give their child for adoption, this often leads to misunderstanding. With the national registration of distance adoption (LATAR) and sharing of stories of experience, Fiom wants to break the distant taboo in terms of adoption.

Some figures on adoption

  • In the last three years, 196 women have considered giving their child for adoption,
  • 52 of them decided to give their child for adoption ;
  • 20 of the 52 women who gave up, kept their pregnancy secret;
  • 18 of 196 women who considered distance, discovered pregnancy only around childbirth

Intention to take distance

If a woman is unintentionally pregnant and is not pregnant is not herself for her child thinks she can take care of herself, she can consider giving her child for adoption. We call this an "intention to distance". The final decision is made after a reflection period of three months from birth. Since 2015, Fiom has gathered a lot of information on the annual distance (intention of) for adoption in the Netherlands. This resulted in LATAR. The data comes from protocol partners involved in a proposal for distance adoption: Fiom, Siriz and the Child Care and Protection Board. The LATAR provides an overview of the size, background and situation of the group of women who are considering or deciding to abandon their child for adoption. The information covers the period from 2015 to 2017.

Attention to confidentiality

The LATAR also contains information on women who were secret. Women chose shame, shame or danger. For some women, the threat of murder and rejection is an important factor. The consequences of secrecy are far-reaching.

Will van Sebille, a distant mother who abandoned her child a long time ago, talks about the impact "Choices you must constantly make. Lying or the truth? (…) there always comes a time when you can not just tell what happened. For example, you are on a maternity visit, you make a comment and you get an answer: "What do you know about this, you do not have any children anyway, and you are there."

Late discovery of pregnancy

Every year The large number of women who only discover pregnancy is again noticeable. One in four women with distant intentions discovered pregnancy only after more than 30 weeks of pregnancy and 18 out of 196 women discovered pregnancy even just before or during delivery. In LATAR, besides the secret and late discovery of pregnancy, the circumstances and motivations of the woman and the involvement of the biological father are also taken into account.

Source: IMF

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