NZa examines the affordability of paramedical care – Actual


The Dutch Health Authority (NZA) will map current developments regarding the accessibility, quality and accessibility of this care for paramedical care. The research is not a cost-price study, since physiotherapy, exercise therapy, occupational therapy, dietetics and speech therapy are subject to free rates

The NZA, among others, shows how paramedical rates have evolved over the years. procurement process, what quality agreements are concluded and if there are waiting times for such care. For speech therapy and occupational therapy, we have focused on the development of 2016 to 2017 to show the influence of speech therapy and regulation of speech therapy. ; occupational therapy. The health authority will release the results by the end of 2018.

The NZA points out that research is not a cost-price study to determine rates. In paramedical care, free rates apply, on which health care providers and health insurers enter into agreements together. These rates may differ by region and contract, so that insurers and caregivers can adapt the agreements to the local situation.

Low Rates

Despite the words of the NZa, the KNGF, the professional association of physiotherapists, sees the research as "a first step in a long, but only possible repair of tariffs". The professional group and the KNGF have been protesting for some time against low rates, which have not been increased or indexed for years. Negotiating with health insurers would not be possible. According to physiotherapists, several studies show that rates are on average 10 euros per treatment below cost.

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