Obesity has at least 4% and possibly at 9% a genetic cause


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Research conducted by the UMC of Amsterdam show that 4% of obese people are able to identify genes as the main cause.

Medical researcher Lotte Kleinendorst of the Clinical Genetics Department of Amsterdam UMC, in collaboration with the Obesity Genetics Research Group of Mieke van Haelst, studied a group of 1230 children and adults suffering from d & # 39; obesity. Looked errors in 50 genes that have something to do with obesity.

This study shows that about 4% of patients have some genetic cause. "Kleinendorst:" In children who become obese at a young age, the chance is greater to find a genetic cause, namely 7% These children often have an unrestrained appetite and in addition a delayed energy management Some children have so many problems with their weight that they do not become mature, hence the percentage difference between adults and children. "

This study is a first inventory of the influence of overweight genes, and all the 50 genes included are known to be related to being overweight." We have more than 20,000 genes it may be that there are still genes we do not know affect their weight, so the percentage could be different in the future, "says Kleinendorst

source: Amsterdam UMC, 11/07/18


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