OM does not take any action in the case # MeToo Brandt Corstius


Justice will not prosecute Gijs van Dam, the producer accused by TV maker Jelle Brandt Corstius of rape in 2002. The statement of slander and defamation that Van Dam has in turn filed against Brandt Corstius does not will not be The judge has come, inform the prosecution on Thursday.

In the case of the rape statement, the court concludes that there is no information that "sufficiently supports Brandt Corstius's history". The Crown tried "to hear as many witnesses as possible" sixteen years later. These included people working at the time on the same program as Van Dam and Brandt Corstius.

The Crown dismissed Van Dams' complaint of defamation and slander because there can be no question of these crimes. In the play Trouw in which Brandt Corstius publishes for the first time his story on rape, he does not mention Van Dam by name and gives little details. In addition, he stressed that he had only written his personal point of view. Brandt Corstius did not deliberately attack the honor or reputation of someone

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