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  Fire pump inclined in Leusden, two wounded [+foto's] "title =" Fire pump inclined in Leusden, two wounded [+foto's] "class =" news-thumb news_image_enlarge "/>

<p> LEUSDEN – A fire truck that was heading for a natural fire was found on its side in Leusden (Utrecht). Two of the three firemen in the car were slightly injured. </p>
<p>  The accident occurred on the Green Zoom. Police have reported that the overturned pumping motor is still not clear. The two wounded were transported to the hospital. </p>
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 The natural fire at Rhenen turned out to be not too bad, according to a spokesman for the fire department. "They were not necessary, so the accident did not cause any problems." </p>
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A fire truck on the way to a fire at #rhenen was overthrown at #Leusden . The vehicle was probably depreciated

– Luke Beens (@LukeBNV) July 18, 2018

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