Patients recover from surgery 5 days earlier through personal e-health


The Ikherstel eHealth app allows patients to recover faster after their operation. This is shown by research among 344 patients in various Dutch hospitals under the direction of Amsterdam UMC, VUmc location.

  I recover

Thanks to Iherstel, patients can resume normal activities 5 days earlier than without this support. This is shown in a research report in The Lancet

Patients receive counseling via Ikherstel regarding the resumption of important activities at home, in their work or hobbies, in a hobby or sport. The patient also receives a preview via the app on whether recovery is proceeding as expected and he is encouraged to work on recovery with an activity counter. The application also provides patients with information about the operation, frequent complaints and recovery.

At Work

The study included 344 patients who underwent gallbladder surgery, inguinal hernia surgery or ovarian surgery. Half of them had access to Ikherstel. In the end, this group appears to have returned to normal activities 5 days earlier than the control group. Participants in the intervention group also performed better in the area of ​​social participation and physical functioning. In addition, they returned to work more quickly.

Doctor-researcher Eva van der Meij says: "Nowadays people are getting shorter and shorter at the hospital after an operation, so they lack support for recovery. these patients and provide faster recovery. "

Miss Support

Judith Huirne, Professor of Gynecology, adds," When patients were receiving care and information at the hospital for a few days, they are sometimes the same day at home. But it turns out that they are insufficiently informed about the recovery. As a result, postoperative recovery takes longer than expected from a medical point of view. "

In the meantime, we are working on applications to make Ikherstel available to patients outside of research, according to the scientists involved.

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