Plaster Room OLVG Launches Gypsum Application


Can you take a shower with plaster? What helps with itching? Answers to these questions, videos with exercises and many other helpful tips are available in the OLVG Gypsum app. Lenny Keijlard, master of the plaster group at OLVG, designed the application, especially for patients.

"People who come to be" referrals "often have a lot of questions upon their return.With the application of gypsum, all practical information is immediately at hand.Also fun facts about the way we work and tips for doing exercises with plaster can be found in the application.The latter in particular makes the patient better and faster, "says Lenny.

Direct contact with the plaster room via the plaster application

In addition to all the useful information and tips, you can contact the application at the push of a button. the plaster room. Convenient for urgent questions or to make an appointment.

The application 'Gipskamer OLVG & # 39; is funded by the OLVG Innovation Fund and can be downloaded for free for iPhone and Android.

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