Police will dig at 9 am since 1992, missing from Willeke Dost


Willeke Dost was 15 years old when she disappeared from the surface of the earth one winter night in 1992. The girl had a dramatic childhood; she lost both her parents in a car accident before her first birthday.

Then she stayed with her family, her foster parents and in various shelters.

Cold Case-team

His disappearance has never been resolved. The case is treated by a cold team. From time to time, research is still ongoing. For example, in 2010, there was always a search around the farm of foster parents. That year, the adoptive mother and brother were suspected of being involved in her disappearance. They were arrested and released again.

The village mate, Ab Bruintjes, lives in Koekange and has been closely involved in all these years. In his eyes, there is now a very suspicious place in the photo where could be the body of the missing teenager: behind the farm of the host parents where lived the teenager. "The search dogs of the Signi Research Dog Foundation are excited about the fact that they smoke the human air and that a disturbance has been found in the soil."

This place was already known to the police. In 2017, ground radar images were evaluated by an expert. On this basis, it was decided not to start digging. Last week, the police again examined the place. Additional interviews with witnesses took place and the ground radar images were re-examined.

"Disturbances occurred"

"On this basis, and because of disturbances in Koekange and the surrounding area, the police and the prosecutor decided to dig," wrote the police.

Tomorrow, it will be clear whether the mystery surrounding Willeke's disappearance will continue to exist or whether his body will be found: the police will start digging from 9 am on the grounds of Koekanger Dwarsdijk. "The purpose is to check whether there are clues in this place that help clarify the disappearance of Willeke Dost, or to completely exclude the fact that the plot contains clues," the police wrote.

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