Predictive software can save patients



Predictive software saves patients

Radboudumc will link intelligent software to the monitoring of five vital functions in patients. As a result, pulmonary embolism and blood poisoning can be detected at an early stage.

This concerns patients in Radboudumc's surgical and internal medicine departments. Instead of measuring vital signs several times a day, a small box on the wrist of the patient records these five functions continuously. This concerns the blood pressure, temperature, respiratory rate, oxygen supply and the patient's heart rate. This helps to record the trend in these vital functions, which usually gives more valuable information to doctors and nurses than a few snapshots. In case of occurrence of blood poisoning, for example, heart rate and temperature increase and blood pressure decreases. With only a few measurements per day, this trend is much more difficult to determine than with the continuous measurements of the box with predictive software

Internist Dr. Bas Bredie and Prof.dr. Harry van Goor, surgeon and professor of surgical education in the department of surgery, are the initiators of the research. They want to make the system even more specific, so that it can predict even better when a patient is at risk for a serious illness.

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