People who put work at the center of their lives are better able to cope with the dramatic events of their private lives. They are better able to take advantage of their self-confidence (an important psychological resource) and achieve good job performance. This is the conclusion drawn by Danyang Du, psychologist of work and organizations, in his doctoral dissertation on the influence of private life on professional life. At the same time, constant reflections on negative events in the private sphere have a negative effect on the daily work process. Defends his thesis at the Erasmus University Rotterdam on Thursday, November 15, 2018.
Work and private life interdependent on each other
Professional and family life intertwine and influence each other. Thanks to email, laptops, smartphones and the Internet, work is always available for people who can also keep in touch with family and friends, allowing them to integrate their personal and professional roles. .
Psychological Resources
Danyang Du investigated their daily experiences with a few hundred participants using daily short questionnaires and managers' judgments. It shows that not only major negative events in life, such as the death of a family member or a road accident, can prevent people from optimally using their work resources. Psychological resources are, for example, autonomy, social support and development opportunities.
constantly working on worrying. Negative events in the home environment can cause unwelcome negative thoughts and feelings, so that the available psychological work resources are not used effectively. Work-related stressors, or positive personal events, such as the fun things their children discuss in detail with other children, are better able to cope with the demands of their day-to-day work. They also work better. Employees who are emotionally stable, open to new experiences, optimistic and consider work a central part of their lives are also better able to avoid the interference of private concerns in their work and to live with them. positive experiences of their private life. the work
Source: Erasmus University