Radboudumc saves lives with vital functions to monitor patients with predictive software


Radboud UMC in Nijmegen recently began using predictive software to detect high-risk situations early in its patients. With continuous monitoring of 5 vital functions, abnormalities and patterns of the disease can be recognized at a glance and slow changes can be seen several hours earlier. According to the hospital, it is a pure profit and can save lives.

Decline in health status noted previously

With a small box on the wrist of the patient, blood pressure, heart rate, temperature, respiratory rate and absorption. Oxygen can be monitored continuously. Internist Dr. Bas Bredie explains: "At the moment, health professionals still have to spend a lot of time reviewing all the recorded measures and evaluating them together. The software we use now and continue to develop takes the work of the healthcare providers and translates the summary into a new risk score. For example, a deterioration in the health status of an inpatient may be noted or predicted earlier and treatment may begin sooner. This should lead to fewer unplanned admissions in the intensive care unit, prolongation of hospitalization, resuscitation or even death of patients. "

Early signage before the patient's condition does not deteriorate

Since June 2018 new system.Instead of measuring a number of times a day, the small box on the wrist of a patient provides continuous recording of vital functions 5. Patients and caregivers are enthusiastic Patients indicate that it allows them to ask the right questions because they have a better view of the course of their health. and nurses also notice that they treat the new information differently.Hardy situations such as sepsis (blood poisoning) or pulmonary embolism can be detected early, so that steps can be taken before the The patient's condition does not deteriorate Soon, there will also be an alarm function for an anastomotic leakage.

According to Bredie, the Radboudumc is the first hospital in the world to be applied the method in this manner and on a scale in practice

(Source: radboudumc.nl, ANP)

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