Reporting point for imitated infectious diseases – Actueel


Infectious diseases related to the Meldpunt epidemics (MUIZ) work so well in Rotterdam-Rijnmond that other GGD regions adopt this approach. According to an assessment, other regions are currently studying the possibility of Zuid-Holland-Zuid and recent Zealand.

Healthcare providers digitally report contagious diseases or viruses prevalent in a hospital or nursing home. Because information is available in real time, health facilities can take preventive measures and reduce the number of patients with the disease.

An epidemic, for example, of norovirus, causes many problems to a health care facility. "In addition to sick patients, they also have to deal with sick staff, extra work and high costs to fight the epidemic," said Jan Groot of GGD Rotterdam-Rijnmond.

"Across the country, the urgency is felt to collaborate on infection prevention and control of infectious diseases and antibiotic resistance," says Groot. Two hundred health institutions are already involved in South Holland. (ANP)

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