Retired doctor from Zeeland elected Miss Senior Pride


  photo: Geert van Tol, Pink 50+
photo: Geert van Tol, Pink 50+

Retired addiction specialist Ditty Smit-van Damme from Goes is the new Miss Senior Pride. On Monday, she was awarded the prize of the volunteer organization Roze 50+ Nederland in Amsterdam for her commitment to the acceptance of lhbti seniors.

Smit-van Damme visits retirement homes for several years. "I invite you to manage the houses, and then I tell you who we are, what we want, do, and can do." My first question is always, "What is the situation with the residents? roses? Is there a lot, is that okay? In fact, no one can designate a lhbti-er at home. Everyone immediately admits that. Then we get the best conversations, because then we will see how they can treat differently, "she says today at Omroep Zeeland

. "Last November at GP Beveland It is important for doctors to become aware of and pay attention to diversity, which gives the patient the opportunity to be open about the possible cause of their complaints," says Smit-van Damme.

For twenty-four years the retired doctor worked as an addict doctor in Vlissingen, and after her studies she returned to Zeeland for love: "My husband was a dentist and worked very hard, I wanted to work as a doctor, but I could not specialize in Zeeland.The gay friends she had met during her studies made her realize that she could always be herself everywhere without any hesitation or fear There are negative comments, unlike many of his friends. "They had problems at home, because the parents did not accept homosexuality, a pastor who said that it was a problem. was a sin or who was going to pass, who was being bullied or scorned, etc. I did not know. That is why, when the ambassadors of Zeeland were invited to Roze 50+, I immediately signed up, "says Smit-van Damme.

This Saturday, Smit-van Damme will sail under the name of Ms.. Senior Pride 2018 on a boat in the Canal Parade of the Gay Pride in Amsterdam, reports the Provincial Zeeuwse Courant (PZC) today.In the newspaper, the doctor says he is happy with the award: "Many people seniors in retirement homes say nothing about their sexual orientation. They are afraid of the reactions of their environment. That's what we – and I mean the Zeeuwse team from Roze 50+ – have managed to break through. We made it negotiable. A number of institutions responded positively. For example, Ter Valcke immediately bought a rainbow flag in Goes. It's more than just symbolism, it's a sign that diversity is recognized. This is worth a lot for LGBTI seniors. "

Omroep Zeeland :: National Mrs. Pride Senior comes from Goes

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