Rhinopneumonia at the center KWPN Ermelo – Hoefslag


At Ermelo's KWPN center, the EHV-1 virus was diagnosed with one of the performance test stallions performed in the fall. This variant of rhinopneumonia can be seen in the form of cold symptoms, abortions and / or neurological symptoms in mares. a spontaneous deviant movement is formed at a pace. There is direct contact with veterinarian Astrid Bos of the Emmeloord Animal Clinic, who accompanies the stallions to the center's veterinarian.


Bos performed a nasal swab, which gave a negative result. Later in the day, another stallion showed fat legs without fever. Thursday, a third stallion has fever, without other symptoms of disease, such as fat legs. All this was a reason to let all the horses warm up. Until now, no other horse with fever or fat legs has been found.

Deventer Health Department

Samples of the above three stallions were collected from the Deventer Health Unit for an emergency test of rhinopneumonia. It turned out that the thick-legged horse was positive on both rhinopneumonia (equine herpesvirus) in the blood test and in the nasal buffer test.

The other two stallions were negative. The relevant owners have been informed.

The negative test does not prove that the horses are not infected by the virus, because only a part of the horses infected with the virus actually manage to show the virus.

Dressage Standards

Overall, all indications are that infection with the rhinopneumonia virus is probably infected by the standard where the training stallions are located. Jumping stallions are in a different stallion and have other riders and separate caregivers

Detection of the rhinopneumonia virus does not prove either that there is indeed the neurological form of the rhinopneumonia. After all, it can also be the cold form. Nevertheless, caution is warranted as the picture of horses with neurological rhinopneumonia may vary considerably. In addition, neurological symptoms often occur only 1 to 10 days after fever

Prevent further infection

All precautions are taken to ensure optimum care of the standards and to avoid further contamination. Marianne Sloet, specialist in internal diseases of the horse at the faculty of Utrecht, holds intensive consultations.

The horse in which EHV-1 is diagnosed is isolated and the stables of the three aforementioned stallions are disinfected daily. . All stallions present are provided since Wednesday via a strict protocol in which the temperature is recorded several times a day. There is no case of fever and / or fat leg except the aforementioned stallions.

Not worked hard

All healthy horses have some movement, but they do not work very hard. Dressage and obstacle jump stallions are supported and trained separately. Horses with fever, oily legs or other symptoms are treated in consultation with their owners.

The owners of the stallions present were informed by telephone. To avoid spreading out of the KWPN center, we strongly advise all owners to leave the stallions in the KWPN center, where they receive optimal care.

Continued Performance Test

During this weekend it becomes clear if new horses with fever or other clinical symptoms appear. Based on the results, it will be decided on Monday how the performance test of dressage standards will be continued.

If there are no details in the stallion of the contest riders, these stallions – under strict control – will continue the performance test in the usual way. 19659002] The final presentation of the former stallions of obstacle jumping and dressage scheduled for next week is postponed to a new opinion

Source: KWPN

Photo: Remco Veurink archive

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