RIVM: Motorists are more often overweight than train passengers


Rail passengers are generally physically more active and less overweight than motorists. In addition, train passengers are more likely to be infected and suffer more stress on passenger cars. This is clear from a RIVM study.
Photo: Sven Hoppe / dpa

The explanation of the best health of train passengers is that they often go to the train station on foot or by bike. For example, train users drive an average of 8 to 33 minutes more per day than drivers. They also reach 10,000 steps a day four times faster than car horns.

Train passengers also indicate that they are more satisfied with their health than motorists. Nevertheless, they also seem to suffer more often from anxiety disorders – that it is a consequence of the choice of the modality remains uncertain.

Stress and Infections

Carophores tend to suffer more stress than train passengers. Pressure, delay, antisocial behavior, temperature, feeling of uncontrollability and unpredictability play an important role in stress. This affects health and mental balance.

According to research, the probability of pathogen contamination is greater for train passengers than for motorists. However, it is a small difference, since the transmission of pathogens is also done at home and at work. It is also suggested that regular train trips increase resistance to infections to a limited extent. Ventilation and vehicle hygiene play an important role in the spread of infections. If the air of a train compartment is properly refreshed, the probability of being infected with a virus is zero.

Mental Health

The mental health of people who walk or commute to work by bicycle is generally better than car and passenger train. Commuters are more tired, less happy and have higher levels of stress. In addition, commuters – especially those traveling by car – are more likely to suffer from sleep problems.

Longer travel time also has a major negative impact on commuters. The more you are on the train or the car, the more unhealthy it is.

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