RIVM: National Heat Plan Across The Netherlands


The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) immediately activated the National Plan of Heat Monday morning. RIVM is asking for extra care for vulnerable people, such as the elderly and the chronically ill. "Additional vigilance can limit health problems due to hot weather," according to the institute

According to KNMI predictions, the next few days will be about 30 degrees. Even at night, the temperature remains high, around 20 degrees. The power of the sun's UV radiation is about 7. This means that the skin can burn within fifteen minutes.

See also: 42 degrees in the Netherlands? This chance is small, says this man of the weather

Drinking and Lubricating

Warm weather can also cause dehydration and overheating, especially in "vulnerable groups". It concerns the elderly, the chronically ill, people in retirement homes, overweight people and young children. A number of measures have been put in place on the RIVM site to protect the body from the sun and heat.

The institute recommends that you drink enough. It is also wise to wear thin clothing that protects the skin from the sun. In addition, it should be well lubricated with sunscreen and as much shade as possible. Finally, the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) recommends limiting physical exertion in the afternoons and keeping homes cool with fans or air conditioning.

The National Heat Plan is being announced by the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) in consultation with the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) in the UK. there is a risk of persistent hot weather. We also look at the night temperature and humidity.

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