RIVM: no additional risk of weed by the crop protection officer





Cannabis lovers can go back to sleep. The National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) indicates in its information brochure "Residues of plant protection products in cannabis" published in Dutch on Tuesday, an additional risk for l & # 39; user? "These presumed risks are simply not there, even though they RIVM is based on the" most critical scenario. "

Cannabis with Pesticide Residues and Insecticides

As with all In agricultural and horticultural crops, weed growers use so-called plant protection products, which are pesticides used in agriculture, for example in the fight against fungi, insects and weeds. Plant protection products may remain on consumer crops that may end up in the human body. "Remnants of crop protection agents have also been found on cannabis," writes the RIVM.

The Question for this government agency was whether these remains were causing further danger to cannabis users

Blowing, eating or evaporating … after

Nevertheless, this booklet was published, in which researchers drew attention to three forms of cannabis use: smoking, evaporation (or an electronic cigarette) and edible products. With these three methods, you get these residues inside and thus with vaporization, where the weed is only heated and not burned.

To be able to conduct a thorough risk assessment, 79 market samples were used. – reviewed from previous scientific studies. It's hardly strange if you ask us, because of these 79 cannabis servings, there are only 25 of them in the Netherlands. The remaining samples came from the United States and Uruguay …

79 cannabis samples from 3 countries

Plant protection product residues were found in the four samples from the United States. Uruguay. In 19 of the 50 samples from the US study, residues of phytosanitary products were found. Concentrations in these 19 samples ranged from only detectable to, in one case, 800 mg / kg (tebuconazole). In the Dutch study, plant protection product residues were found in 23 out of 25 samples.

In risk assessment, the RIVM also assumed the "most critical scenario". In practice, this means that "100% of the measured residues of crop protection agents on cannabis are absorbed into the body of a frequent user of cannabis by smoking, fumes or by smoking." addition of food "

. What must I do now?

But before you panic and squeeze all your grass into the toilet – as has already been the loser of Boef, but for very different reasons, something with its bumpy image – you still need to d & # 39; 39 first to hear the final conclusion. RIVM concludes on the basis of all of the above:

"Exposure to residues (residues) of phytosanitary products in cannabis samples does not present an additional risk for User in addition to the existing risks of cannabis use. 19659018] In summary, enjoy the wonderful Dutch summer weather!

[openingsbeeld: Schubb/Shutterstock]
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