Roermond Hospital prepares for the 1Limburg flu wave


Beginning this year, Laurentius will begin using a new device with a new, faster method of detecting influenza.

Influenza season has a considerable impact on hospital bed capacity because of the large number of (potential) victims of influenza.

Isolation Measures
"The sooner it will be easy to know if a patient has the flu, the sooner we can take the appropriate isolation measures and start treatment," explains a spokesman for the hospital. Patients with flu symptoms should be isolated until their virus is recognized. This is to avoid contamination of other patients. Sometimes this also happens in a multi-bed room. "The patient then occupies an entire room with several beds because no one is allowed there, which is a big logistical problem."

Shortening 19659004] Previously, it took 12 to 24 hours after the test to find out if a patient was carrying the influenza virus among its members. By buying a new device, it is already possible to say after one hour if the patient is infected with a virus. Due to the rapid diagnosis a patient occupies a shorter bed, which in turn benefits the number of beds in isolated rooms. doubled

More vaccines against influenza
The hospital also relies on the cooperation of staff and visitors. For example, last month the hospital organized an information market on hand hygiene and cough . According to the hospital, more employees than last year were vaccinated against the flu. Last year, the percentage was 13% identical to the national average. This year, this proportion has increased to 24%.

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