Roller coasters help fight kidney stones RTL News


Doctors David Wartinger and Marc Mitchell have discovered that a ride in the roller coaster could be the solution to kidney stones. After advice from patients who had already experienced this themselves, they set up an investigation. In two out of three trips, kidney stones were released after a roller coaster ride and disappeared to the ureter

. In order to get the most out of it, doctors recommend that you sit at the back of your favorite roller coaster.

On the head

The search was performed with artificial silicone kidneys. It contained urinary and kidney stones of different sizes. The kidneys then made twenty trips on the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad of Walt Disney World in Florida. Good news if you are not such a hero: these rollercoasters do not go awry.

For kidney stones six millimeters or more, a roller coaster ride is not enough. Patients with such kidney stones should have them removed differently.

Search for Laugh

For this research, Wartinger and Mitchell were awarded the Ig-Nobel Prize. This award puts researchers at the prestigious American University of Harvard who make people laugh, but make them think. Other award-winning studies have shown that spit is an excellent cleansing agent, that zoo monkeys also mimic humans and that human flesh contains very few calories.

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