Secure mental health care receives 151 beds


Next year, 151 additional beds will be added to patients receiving insured mental health care. The health insurance companies have agreed with Minister Paul Blokhuis (Health, Welfare and Sport, Christian Union), Health Insurance Netherlands announced Saturday. Healthcare institutions had requested additional capacity.

Secure mental health care is for patients who require intensive care, but who also need to be monitored because their illness is a danger to themselves or their environment. Municipalities, the police and the judiciary have also asked for a better approach for this group, including a number of confused people.

In April of this year, GGZ Nederland and Zorgverzekeraars Nederland concluded additional agreements concerning the purchase of care for this target group. Among other things, it had been promised that this health care would still be reimbursed, even if this year's budget had already been used. In addition, agreements have been concluded to better coordinate the purchase of health care. Health care providers would also indicate how many extra beds would be needed. That 's also happening now, after which the health insurers have promised to withdraw money for the 151 places.

From 2020, a new so-called chain field standard must be introduced. It establishes agreements between different authorities, government agencies and other organizations facing this group of patients, including municipalities, police and the judiciary, health insurers and health facilities. A number of drivers will already be set up for this in 2019, according to Zorgverzekeraars Nederland.

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