"Serious game" for children with disabilities developed


Gambling can measure and stimulate effective learning behaviors in children with disabilities.

Care institutions for the disabled Heeren Loo started with the development of Robins World with the help of the AFAS Foundation. With play, it is possible to measure and stimulate effective learning behavior in children with disabilities

Robins Wereld takes place in a three-dimensional game world where Robin's children perform all kinds of tasks and tasks to find a treasure. These tasks focus on skills that allow the child to steer his or her own behavior (learning). This could include attention, pulse control, working memory and the possibility of using a flexible solution strategy.

The game supports the child by giving him specific advice during the training phase. This is an essential difference with other games. Robins Wereld uses eye trackers to measure how learning this learning behavior contributes to the learning of more complex skills. "By making children play a game, they learn better, which is even more the case for children with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities," says Marja Eding, Behavior Specialist and initiator and developer of Robins' Heeren Loo. world of Stichting

Scientifically tested
The AFAS Foundation offers 300 000 euro available to develop, test, research and make the game available. "The development of this serious game fits very well with our mission to support organizations that want to make a difference in a different way," says Gerben Eversdijk, President of the AFAS Foundation. "The goal is that the game is widely used by healthcare institutions in the Netherlands." Jan Fidder, CEO of "Heeren Loo, is pleased with the cooperation with the AFAS Foundation:" It is fantastic that investments can now be made to develop effective learning behavior for all children in this target group. In this way, they can gain optimal opportunities and opportunities to learn more. "S Heeren Loo has now started the construction of a first prototype.In 2020, the game will officially see the light of day

Influence on learning ability
In the Netherlands it There are 5,000 children with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities who follow a form of education or visit a day care center.They have more difficulty learning and developing certain skills than other children. is partly because they have no effective learning behavior.Their attention, their working memory, their inner motivation and their ability to control their own learning behavior are less developed
About Heeren Loo Heeren Loo
of Heeren Loo supports people with intellectual disabilities in most of the country, helping young and old to find the right answer to the most The organization does this for nearly 10,000 customers with 14,500 employees

About the AFAS Foundation
The Dutch family business AFAS Software puts $ 3.5 million Euros available to the AFAS Foundation as Robins World. The AFAS Foundation supports projects in the fields of health, education and society.

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Original title: & # 39; Heeren Loo develops & # 39; serious game for children with disabilities
Target group: Care Professionals, Decision Makers, Informal Care, Students
Date: 2018-07-24

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