Space travel influences the structure of the brain longer …


A stay in space has an impact on the structural anatomy of the brain. This is demonstrated by an international study of Russian cosmonauts, which was also attended by Belgian scientists.

Ten Russian astronauts were placed under MRI before and shortly after their extraterrestrial stay, which lasted an average of six months. Seven months after their return, they are examined again.

  Space travel affects brain structure in the longer term

Photo: EPA-EFE

"We wanted to know if the brain of cosmonauts had changed after a trip in space, and also check if changes would be visible months later, "says Angélique Van Ombergen of the AU. "At the moment, we have specifically examined the composition, the structural anatomy of the brain. We have not yet analyzed the functional aspects. "

Fewer nerve cells, more fluid

The sweeps done soon after their return from space show many changes in the brain." The amount of gray matter, said the nerve cells in our brain, has decreased over the entire brain, "says doctoral student Steven Jillings." An analysis of cerebrospinal fluid, which also provides for the elimination of waste and protects the brain, shows changes: as there is no gravity on the brain of the cosmonauts and therefore more liquid goes to the head, the balance of the cerebrospinal fluid.We can also see this after the flight. "

The MRI study, seven months more late, proves that these changes continue in part. In particular, the impact on the cerebrospinal fluid did not disappear months later.

Why does this happen and what are the possible consequences? This always requires further investigation. There may be a link to the visual problems with which astronauts can be involved in the long term.

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