Specific nutritional line for dialysis patients in Radboudumc


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The FoodforCare concept was developed by Radboudumc and Maison van den Boer, a specific line for kidney patients, in particular. difficult to determine what can and can not be better eaten The amount of liquid, sodium, potassium, protein and phosphates plays an important role In developing a personalized product line, the patient is helped and FoodforCare also provides information about the possibilities

In consultation with the dietitian, the patient and the service, we specifically examined the amount of sodium, potassium, protein and phosphate in the food, which allowed us to prepare small dishes that could to be eaten during dialysis. Because patients are tired or partially immobile, we have opted for easy-to-eat dishes and accompanying presentation materials. keep track of the extent to which products meet. FoodforCare hopes to offer this range across the country from January 2019.

source: FoodforCare, 26/10/18


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