Start of report point side effects Implants produce 264 reports


The Notification Center and the Center of Expertise for implants received 264 reports between the beginning of July 3, 2017 and April 1, 2018. The total number of reported side effects was 1293. The Most reports focused on the possible side effects of a breast prosthesis, followed remotely by reports on a pelvic mat. This is stated in the Meldpunt Inception Report and Expertisecentrum RIVM Secondary Implants in collaboration with Lareb.

Reports were generally about known side effects or side effects for which research was ongoing. As a result, the reports did not result in a thorough investigation or alert regarding a specific implant. The most common side effect is fatigue. The loss of personal independence in daily activities and pain (mixed) is also reported regularly.

Number of reports limited

The number of people reporting between July 2017 and April 2018 was 264. Of these, 260 came from citizens. and four of the health care providers. The youngest patient reported was 15 years old, the oldest was 87. The number of notifications received during the initial period is still limited. This is probably due to the fact that citizens and certainly health care providers do not yet find the appropriate point of contact. During the years 2018 and 2019, the Notification Center and the Implant Center of Expertise will focus on awareness.

The purpose of the Notification Center and the Expert Center for Implants is to identify the side effects of implants. Through the reporting center, patients, but also people who report on behalf of someone else and caregivers can report possible side effects of implants. By reporting (early) in time, health professionals and citizens can receive information if there is reason to do so.

By: Redactie National Zorggids

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