Successful meningococcal vaccination campaign W


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By the end of October 2018, the GGD region of Utrecht was the last day of vaccination for this year's meningococcal W campaign. On average, 85% of the young guests have successfully completed the vaccination. These are more than 7,100 14 year olds. Next year, all young people aged 14 to 18 will receive an invitation to be vaccinated against meningococcus

In October 2018, the vaccination campaign against the meningococcal bacteria type W. Jongeren, born between the 1st May and 31 December 2004, was invited. for this vaccination. "The vaccination campaign went well, we are satisfied with the temporary presence, and in January 2019, the passing times are: the adolescents who did not respond to the invitation to do so. The vaccines will be contacted again, and of course, we hope for an even bigger vaccination campaign next year, "said Marijke Kolsteren, Youth Health Care Manager of the GGD Region of Utrecht
. Next year, all 14 to 18 year olds will receive an invitation to vaccinate against meningococcus (with the exception of young people who had the vaccination this year). The probability of acquiring a meningococcal infection is still very low, but to prevent further worsening of the disease, vaccination is important. The decision to vaccinate adolescents is related to the fact that they are relatively carriers of the bacteria and therefore have a better chance of contracting the disease. In addition, adolescents contribute significantly to the spread of the bacteria. The vaccination of adolescents should protect the group and thus prevent the disease in all age groups. Since May 2018, all 14-month-olds are also vaccinated against type-W meningococci.
Meningococcal disease can be found in the nose or throat and can spread by coughing, sneezing or sneezing. embracing. Usually, people are not fed up. If the bacteria enters the bloodstream or the nervous system, a person can quickly become seriously ill.
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